B2B Users Management
  • 09 Aug 2024
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B2B Users Management

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Article summary


Users are defined as people from your team with access to Delhivery One. Users can be assigned ‘roles’ that have different permissions. Delhivery One allows you to add multiple users to your account to delegate your shipping operation better and ensure you can reach your customers on time.

To access this module navigate to Main Menu > Users 

In this section

What are the various roles that can be assigned to B2B users?

Users are assigned ‘roles’ that can be classified into the following categories:

Owner - is the user who has created the account using their email on the Delhivery One platform and has access to all features on the dashboard, including adding more users and assigning roles.

Admin - is the user that can perform all functionalities on the platform, except modifying the bank details and adding and assigning roles to users.

Operation-user - is the user that can perform all order management-related functions like creating, viewing, and managing orders, exceptions, support tickets, etc. They cannot perform any owner or admin functions.

Support-user - is the user who can only perform functions related to exceptions and ticketing. They cannot perform any owner, admin, or operation-user functions.

Read access only-user : They only have view access to orders and pickups, exceptions and support tickets.

How to add multiple users to the account?

Steps to add a new user:

  • Navigate to Main Menu > Users > Click New User
  • Enter details like Full name, Mobile Number, Email ID
  • Select the Delhivery One accounts  you want to give access to.
  • Select Role type and Click Invite User
  • The invitee user will receive a password reset email from us on the allotted email ID.
  • Once the user has reset the password, they can access their account.

How to change owner login ID?

Steps to change owner login ID:

  • Login to your B2B account on www.one.delhivery.com with owner's email ID
  • Navigate Main Menu > Users
  • Click Edit against the User you want to change as owner
  • Under User Roles select Owner. Save Changes
  • This changes the owner's email ID, and the old owner becomes an admin user

How to remove a user?

  • You can't remove a user from Delhivery One but you can deactivate a user.
  • Navigate Main Menu > Users > Edit the required user > In Active > Save Changes

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