Calculating volumetric weight
  • 25 Dec 2023
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Calculating volumetric weight

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Let's learn about the weight terminology used in the logistics business - 

Dead-weight - This is the shipment's actual weight captured by the weighing machine, irrespective of its shape and size. This includes the items & shipment box weight. 

Volumetric weight - This is calculated based on the shipment's dimensions, i.e., length, breadth, the height of the shipment box. 

Calculate shipping cost

Let us take a shipment box with dimensions such as Length - 60 cm, Breadth - 25 cm, and Height - 40 cm.

The weight of the weighing machine is 6kg. This is the dead weight of the shipment. 

To calculate the volumetric weight in case of - 

  • Surface delivery: We shall divide the Volume of the box by 4000, i.e. (Length * Breadth * Height) / 4000
  • Express delivery: We have to divide the box's volume by 5000. i.e (Length * Breadth * Height) / 5000

These calculations are per the logistics industry standards. 

In the above case, the volumetric weight turns out to be 15kg.

In Delhivery One, we use the maximum dead or volumetric weight to show the estimated shipping cost. For shipments packed in flyers, we charge only based on the dead weight of up to 1 kg.  While deductions during manifestations are based on the below logic - 

  • If the dead weight is less than 1 kg, we use dead weight as it is.
  • If dead weight is more than 1 kg
         - For Surface Delivery, Chargeable weight = max (dead weight,L*B*H/4000)
         - For Express Delivery, Chargeable weight = max (dead weight, L*B*H/5000)

For MPS Orders, we apply the below logic

  • The estimated shipping cost is showing for all AWBs (Master + Child)
  • Manifested deduction will happen only for Master AWB
  • Post delivery, Child AWB deduction will be made manually.


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