Pickup Locations
  • 05 Apr 2024
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Pickup Locations

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Article summary

How can I manage my Pickup Locations?
Pickup locations are the physical locations that hold the inventory. Delhivery agents will pick up the shipments from these pickup locations. You can create two types of pickup locations -

  • Domestic Pickup location
  • International Pickup location

Delhivery One maintains two separate entries for domestic and international pickup locations. Suppose you ship both domestic & international shipments from the 'My Warehouse' pickup address in Delhivery One, two separate pickup locations will be created for the same address - one for domestic shipments, another for international shipments.

How can I add a pickup location on Delhivery One?

  1. Navigate to Main Menu -> Settings -> Pickup Locations -> Add New Pickup Location
  2. Fill out mandatory details like Location name, Mobile Number, email, Country, PIN code, State, and City.
  3. The Mobile Number needs to be verified with an OTP.
  4. The pickup location you enter has to be a valid address. If you enter a junk or incomplete address, your will see an error message to enter complete address.
  5. You can also select the preferred pickup slot you want Delhivery to attempt pickup at your location.
  6.  If you want a different return address for returned shipments for this location, mention the same under Return Details. Click Add Pickup Address

How can I update an existing pickup location on Delhivery One?

  1. You can view list of all your pickup locations. Click on "Edit" icon to update details of your pickup location.
  2. You can not update the Pickup location name.
  3. You can update the phone, pickup and return address, preferred pickup slot for your pickup location.

How can I deactivate a pickup location?

You can deactivate a pickup location only if it has no assigned active orders.

1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > Pickup Locations
2. Click 'Edit' for the required pickup location
3. Select 'InActive'. Then Save Changes.

How can I set pickup location for my Shopify or Woocommerce channel?

1. Go to Main Menu > Services > Channel Integration > Configure
2. Click 'Configure' for the required channel
3. Select the Primary Pickup Location. Save Changes.

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