Lost & Damaged Claims
  • 27 May 2024
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Lost & Damaged Claims

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Article summary

How can I raise a claim for Lost or Damaged shipments?

This section talks about how claims resolution process for lost/damaged shipments. 

  • Below cases considered under lost and damaged
    • If a shipment is lost or damaged during in-transit within our system
    • If you report that a shipment is lost due to a delay in delivery and an investigation is done to verify the same
    • If you raise that a shipment is damaged after delivery to the consignee
    • If you raise that a shipment is damaged after it is RTO delivered.
  • Under this section, you can 
    • You can view a list of all Lost & damaged claim
    • View details of a specific claim
    • Raise a new claim (Single or Bulk Upload)

How to to View Claims?

Navigate - Main Menu > Finances > Lost & Damages Claims. This section allows you to -

  • View list of all Lost & Damages claims
  • View details of a specific claim
  • Raise a new claim (single or bulk upload)


  • Columns on listing page
    • AWB & Claim ID
    • Raised On
    • Claim type -  Lost or Damaged or Items Replaced or Others
    • Claimed amount
    • Status - Open, Accepted, Rejected, Pending approval
    • Remarks for Rejected claims
    • Settlement amount for Accepted claims
    • For accepted claims with status - "CN or COF issued", link to download Credit Note will be provided
  • Claim LifecycleClaim Status
    Claim RaisedOpen
    Claim AcceptedAccepted
    Claim RejectedRejected
    Amount approval pendingPending approval
    CN/COF issuance pendingPending approval
    CN / COD issuedAccepted

How to raise a Claim for Lost & Damaged shipments?

  • Navigate - Main Menu > Finances > Lost & Damages Claims > New Claim
  • This will take you to create claim page, where you can select the AWBs. You can select upto 10 AWBs at a time.
  • You can then choose the dispute type i.e Lost, Damaged or Items Replaced
  • Mention the claim amount that should be not more than the shipment value
  • And upload image or video URLs. You need to mandatory upload 2 images / videos.
  • Click Create Claim

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