Update Forward Order
  • 31 Oct 2023
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Update Forward Order

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Article summary


You can update select attributes within an order until the shipment moves to the "In Transit" stage.

Editable Attributes

The following attributes of an order can be edited during the lifecycle of a shipment.

Order StatusCOD AmountPickup LocationBilling AddressShipping AddressShipping Mode
Ready to ShipNoNoYesNoNo
Ready for PickupNoNoYesNoNo
In TransitNoNoYesNoNo
Out for DeliveryNoNoYesNoNo

How can I update my order on Delhivery One?

Steps to update a single order

  • Navigate to Main Menu > Orders > Forward Orders > Pending Stage
  • At the Pending stage, you can edit the COD Amount, Pickup Location, Billing & Shipping Address, and Shipping Mode
  • You can update the Package Details by adding or removing items to the order, as well as edit the quantity and item attributes like Price, Discount, and Tax details
  • Across other order stages, you can only update the Billing Address

How can I update my orders in bulk?

Steps to update orders in bulk

  • You can update orders in Bulk using the Edit Bulk Orders Button by uploading a CSV with the relevant details

  • Inaddition, for upto 5 order update you can select the checkbox against these orders and update the relevant information.
  • Navigate - Main Menu > Orders > Forward Orders > Pending > Select Order(s)
  • Select the order(s) and update Pickup Location and Shipping Mode in bulk

Bulk Package Details update

Steps to update package details 

  • Navigate - Main Menu > Orders > Forward Orders > Pending > Select Order(s)
  • Select the order(s) and Update Package Details
  • Update length, breadth, height & weight. Please note this will update dimesnions & weight entered for all selected orders.

Revert Actions

1. Ready to Ship > Pending

You can revert Orders from the Ready to Ship stage back to the Pending stage, which cancels the AWB number generated for this shipment and allows for modification of COD Amount, Pickup Location, Billing & Shipping Address, and Shipping Mode for the Pending order.

Steps to reverse ready to ship order(s)

  1. Navigate - Main Menu > Orders > Forward Orders > Ready to Ship > Select Order(s)
  2. Click Reverse to Pending

2. Ready for Pickup > Ready to Ship

You can revert Orders from the Ready for Pickup stage back to the Ready to Ship stage, which cancels the pickup request generated for this shipment and allows you to add the shipment to another Pickup request.

Steps to reverse ready to ship order(s)

  1. Navigate - Main Menu > Orders > Forward Orders > Ready to Ship > Select Order(s)
  2. Click Cancel Pickup

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